
31st May 2021

31-May-2021 5:49
in General
by Admin

Typical Monday morning canters for those in training, Fontwell yesterday was bursting with people and it was great to see. I’m On Snap did it well in the end, she got a little lonely out in front and the stop start gallop of the race wasn’t ideal. She is in good shape this morning and ate every nut in her pot overnight.  Sebastopol has a line of 2nd places beside him and ran into one again at Cartmel on Saturday. I abandoned my journey to Cartmel only 1 hour and 30 minutes into it, the traffic was brutal, the jockeys and horse took over six hours to get there and all left in plenty of time. Pete the hug has first hand experience of Cartmel on bank holiday weekend, one year he arrived back the day after he left and I wasn't going to allow the same thing to happen to me. 


Not a huge amount happening this week, the yard, walkers etc are all wash and disinfected for another summer and will sit empty for a period of time before we disinfect them again and fill them up. I am already looking forward to the horses coming back.