
30th April 2021

30-April-2021 16:54
in General
by Admin

Many horses have now found their way to the fields for the summer, the steam cleaner started in the bottom barn this morning and will now be flat out until every crack of every stable is cleaned and disinfected. Once the steam cleaner has done its job we fog the stables every day for a week or more before leaving them empty. 


This morning Yes No Maybe So, Polydora, Neville’s Cross, Rosmuc Relay and Hazzaar schooled over fences. Teescomponentslass, King Ferdinand, Sebastopol, Competition, I’m on Snap schooled over hurdles. Johnny Burke was here to help us out. 


The boycott of social media by all governing sports bodies for a couple of days as a result to racism in sport goes over my head. Apart from stoking the fire what does that prove. Our children knew nothing about racism until the BLM campaign started and escalated to the point where many people lost any resemblance of respect they had for many. I believe it has all been a massive step backwards for racism. Everyone gets abused on social media and some people are too young or unsure of themselves to ignore it. I have no issue with promoting people to talk about how they feel and that needs pushing, If people can share their problems someone somewhere will put an arm around them and let them know that a keyboard warrior is of no consequence to their future.


Sebastopol and Polydora run tomorrow – to read my thoughts click here.