Routine canters for the horses this morning, nothing too strenuous for any of them, tomorrow a few will have to do a little more.
We were late finishing and I thought I would just watch a couple of races on the television from Cheltenham only to receive a telephone call that Fionn had dislocated his shoulder falling over the winter rugs he was sorting out. We thought a trip to the GP would solve the problem but the GP was unwilling to help. He told me he was gone from A&E work at that is was outside his limitations to put it back in. I asked what his limitations were to be told he could take me through a lot of things. I now know why the wait in A&E is so long as they have to wait for doctors to come back on shift capable of carrying out routine practices such as putting back a shoulder. Luckily, today, there was a doctor on shift, in A&E capable of doing it in no time at all. The GP getting 100K of tax payers money / annum can write a prescription for antibiotics, otherwise anything else is outside his limitations.
Back to more relevant things. North Hill Harvey won like the good horse we know he is at Cheltenham this afternoon, by the sound of things he will make a bid for The Arkle in March. He won his p2p for us like a very good horse and has done us proud. Horses like North Hill Harvey and Sky Pirate flying the flag does us no harm at all. Sophie has 10 young horses for p2p’s this year. All of which, will, at some point, go back to the sales this year. They are here for sale and can be bought before or after they run. Pease feel free to get in touch if your looking for a nice young horse.
A very nice man arrived this morning from BT, closely behind him came 2 more men all of which installed fibre optic broadband to our house. Just to clarify, fibre optic cable comes in 300 meter lengths. It was apparent the contractors who arrived earlier in the week had no interest in putting the cable up as it involved a bit of effort. We just have one more hurdle to jump before we are up and running. I cancelled all direct debits to BT as the bills were dropping on the door mat every other day for services and products we hadn’t received. All I should have to do now is revise my Hindi and get my bank details over to BT and we are up and running. If only it is that simple…………..