

24 February 2020

24-February-2020 15:35
in General
by Admin

Monday morning canters yet again. Thomas Patrick went for a jump around the cross country course at Cheltenham, sadly, it didn’t appear to be his thing. Mite Bite joined the party and he took to it with far more enthusiasm than Thomas Patrick.  We have been taking Thomas to the beach and hunting, I thought we were rekindling his enthusiasm for life but, today’s efforts rather poured cold water on my hopefulness. 


After this morning rain, if racing was being staged at Cheltenham tomorrow the official going would be heavy all over. As we all know, two or three days of drying weather at Cheltenham can alter the going dramatically. This weeks rain seems to be here to stay so I guess it all hinges on the following weeks forecast. Adrimel will be praying for the rain to hang around and seems in good shape after his win last week at Doncaster. I noticed a couple of very impressive bumper performers in Ireland over the weekend who are Cheltenham bound too.