Flashing Glance is in good shape after his run yesterday. This morning we worked, Glory and Honour, Marty Time, Scipion, Adrimel, Ginny’s Destiny, Roger Rarebit, King Ferdinand, Immortal Fame, Piaff Bubbles and Highstakesplayer. The others all had routine canters around the sand and up the hill.
Nick Alexander says he has 50 horses and 24 members of staff, he is working rota’s allowing his staff to work a five-day week. I’d love to know a little more about the financial workings of this. If I employed 24 members of staff to care for 50 horses, I simply could not feed myself let alone the horses. The man is deluded if he thinks any trainer can work on the ratio of two horses to one member of staff. Whether the staff are on or off they still must be paid, pension contributions and holiday pay to boot for starters. I don’t know the man and maybe training horses is hobby and he derives income from other businesses. If any trainer relying on his income to come from training horses adopts this staffing policy they won’t be around for long.