

19th February 2021

19-February-2021 17:43
in General
by Admin

Quiet canters this morning for most, Glory and Fortune and Kateson cantered around the sand before swinging once up the hill. Kateson heads to Ascot tomorrow and Glory and Fortune to Newbury for the Betfair hurdle on Sunday. To read my thoughts click here


Unless something exciting happens my blogs will be a little duller than normal. We will be making very few entries or working horses until we see some prolonged better weather forecasts. In addition, we want to have a busy spring when hopefully some owners will be allowed to go racing again. I have spoken to three owners today all of which accept there are many others considerably worse off than they are. However, they are all incredibly frustrated as they are unable to see their horses race in the flesh. For trainers, it has become the norm to go racing without crowds and owners but this is simply unstainable, as soon as it is safe to do so owners need to be made to feel incredibly special by racecourses when they finally get back on course. Owners are the top of the racing pyramid and those running it all too often forget that fact.