
17th April 2017

17-April-2017 19:18
in General
by Admin

Bhakti winning at Ffos Las yesterday was very pleasing, he hadn’t troubled the judge since his bumper win in February 2012, to get his head back in front was great for our racing club and the horse. The champion jockey gave him a smashing, confidence giving ride. Let’s hope he can progress and win another race or 2 for us all. No doubt the handicapper will have his say. He went for a canter this morning and seems in fine form before spending the day in the field.

We side stepped Huntingdon today with The Big Bite and First Du Charmil, The Big Bite will be heading for his summer holidays later this week, he’s done nothing wrong and is a horse to really look forward to. We may find another opportunity for First Du Charmil before he joins his mates in the paddocks for the summer.

Typical Monday morning canters for most, the babies rode around the school and a couple had a pop in the loose school having had a canter.

Jester Jet will go to Ludlow tomorrow, she is up 7lbs since her last run, getting an additional 1lb on top of her 6lb rise for winning for standing in her stable, which is always frustrating. I will be there in plenty of time to walk the course before declaring.