

16th April 2021

16-April-2021 16:23
in General
by Admin

Black Anthem jumped some fences this morning. Argonauta and Glory and Fortune had a blow on the hill having warmed up on the sand. Those we’d like to run again had canters around the sand and up the hill. Had I of known Ayr were going to over water and produce what has been described by Yes No Maybe so’s jockey as slow ground, dead and over watered. To say I’m annoyed about is is a understatement. Not a single trainer in the country entered a horse at Ayr expecting anything but proper fast safe ground. The 1.30pm was 26 seconds slow. Don’t tell me there’s any good ground in it. They wouldn’t have over watered if they were picking up the transport costs of getting good ground horses all the way to Ayr. This won’t be the first course we send horses to this summer to find over watered ground. My annoyance is somewhat compounded as every going report I’ve seen prior to this morning suggested that the ground was good. Overnight it went to good good to soft with no rainfall, a mystery - not! I rang the clerk to ask him what the jockeys have reported and if he intends to water again before Sunday. Jockeys report  it to be good to soft good in places. Johnny found no good grown on Yes No Maybe So and knew his fate cantering to the start. When will clerks be held accountable for their inaccuracies.