
14th April 2022

14-April-2022 6:35
in General
by Admin

Carn A Chlamain and Dorking Boy gave us an across the card double and took our tally to 49 not out for the season. I just wish I had doubled up my bet to include the pair!  Carn A Chlamain had something to prove and he did so in good style. Dorking Boy was no surprise and did as we expected. Yesterday would have been my mother’s birthday so all in all it was a lovely day. In memory of my parents, this morning I have sent another £600 to Katharine House Hospice to help care for those who are suffering. Thank you to everyone who has continued to subscribe to my thoughts page, it makes a massive difference to those in end-of-life care. If you are not in front on your betting accounts this year, maybe betting is not for you!


I should add when I slate the media I do not reference all reporters or TV pundits; they do a fantastic job even if they make assumptions on horses without the facts to do so. They have a lot of air time to fill and generally make a proper fist of doing so. It is the woke journalists who wish to portray our sport with cheap and damaging headlines that I loath. Richard Forristal has the experience of working at ground level with racehorses, a successful enough riding career and a god given ability to write. The same can not be said for any of the other journalists who seem persistent in dragging our sport through the gutter feeding a small minority who are against us. We have the product and a great need to market it better. Beer and Cider festivals are not the way to do so, the first thing to do is reduce the entry prices. Some tracks charge a ridiculous sum of money for tickets and that alone drives the staunchest supporters away.


Capac and Insolente Nelsa head to Exeter today. To read my thoughts click here. If Capac can bring up our 50th winner for the season there would be nothing more fitting. He is trained by Eamonn and owned by his family. Eamonn dots every I and crosses every T in this yard.