This morning we schooled, Lossiemouth, Eastern, Bentio, Lagonda, Quick Draw, You Name Him, Glory and Fortune, Mr Melda, Lamanver Storm and Sinndarella over hurdles. Algesiras, Polydora, Hazzaar, Velasco and New Moon over fences.
Every hour I receive another text telling me that another race meeting has been abandoned, it is all rather depressing, I had four horses lined up for nice races at Newcastle on Wednesday, the races were framed beautifully for each one of them and the meeting is off already. The only going reports we seem to be getting are heavy or abandoned.
Podcasts seem to have really taken off, I’m not sure who has the time to listen to them but I’ve done two today and I’m doing What a Shout tomorrow. I will try and post links in due course for anyone who isn’t bored enough. I think I would listen to many more if I was more capable of driving my phone a little better. On the odd occasion I have tried it seems to time out when the phone locks. I find is sensible to give up before the phone ends up in the central reservation on the M6.