Robbie Dunne and Bryony Frost have dictated the headlines for the last couple of weeks. The whole thing is a sorry state of affairs and sheds a very poor light on the industry and the governing bodies within the sport. Bullying and harassment is unacceptable at all levels. I’m not commenting on the verdict but I do feel that it was an unfair hearing and the mystery behind the investigators sacking should be known. We have not heard the end of this yet. The media is simply toxic and many, if not all journalist are confused snowflakes. The BHA are a laughing stock and I want to know who will hold them accountable for the shocking handling of this case. I can answer my own question as they are unaccountable, that for me is a major problem. Fights have happened in the weighing room since Adam was a boy scout. Mark Rimell hit Aidan Coleman over the back of the head many years ago yet the BHA learnt nothing for that episode.Had this of been between two men the case would have been handled and treated very differently. It takes two to fight and I believe in modern society everyone expects to be treated equally no matter of gender. Over the weekend, I asked Byrony Frost’s agent if I could book her for a ride on Thursday. I’ve been told this evening that unless Paul wants her she isn’t riding. You can make of that what you want but I doubt I will be asking her again.
Quiet canters for the horses this morning. Tomorrow Quick Draw heads to Catterick and Rosmuc Relay Wincanton. To read my thoughts click here.