
Flashing Glance

12-June-2022 17:46
in General
by Admin

Last week was spent in Ireland at Goffs sales. Given what is going on around the world, it may come as a surprise but there is an unprecedented demand for racehorses at all levels. 92% clearance rate on the first day and 90% on the second day with the average price increasing year on year. We came home with three horses and will be heading bac k to the Derby sale next weekend to see what we can find there. We worked hard to find the horses and having all the homework done before the sales starts makes sure nothing falls through the net whilst off around the barns looking at others.  


The week got off to a very sad start as we lost Flashing Glance at Worcester, he has been a rock of consistency throughout his time here. He was not the most enjoyable ride at home, he was strong and very hard on himself, he certainly kept his rider warm in the winter months. I knew Flashing Glance even if I didn’t know his name. I had seen him riding around the village he was previously trained in. When Paul Barrett phoned to ask me to train him and told me where he was, who trained him and his characteristics I knew I had seen him even.  He did us proud and will be much missed around here. Paul has sent the below and asked me to post it on my blog.  His brother will be here soon and Flash won’t be forgotten.


Tribute to Flashing Glance Sadly Flash passed away at Worcester, Sat 4th June.  It has been a privilege to be the owner and breeder of such a wonderfully consistent horse.  Winner of 8 of his 42 races.  He was a complex character, very forward going, never ever the need for blinkers. He was trained brilliantly because of his quirky side he never stopped trying even at the end.  His ending was very quick (heart attack).  You were my hero Flash, and I wanted us to grow old together on the farm, RIP my friend, never forgotten. Paul Barrett on behalf of Barrett, Meredith, Panniers, Wilde.