Megan’s Choice and Flashing Glance are both in good order this morning.
I’m surprised the BBC weather site hasn’t collapsed given anyone with an entry or interest in National Hunt racing will have been constantly checking the forecast for Chepstow. The rain is yet to arrive and this morning it appeared as if it wasn’t going to amount to as much as we first hoped. Thankfully, it now appears to be substantial again. Given the sunshine and high winds we’ve been having it will need to be. Fingers crossed the heavens open and stay open for the next 36 hours.
Given the aforementioned, no one seems to know what is running and tomorrow morning is going to be chaotic with jockey bookings and decision making.
The horses all had routine canters this morning, a few of the 3 year olds are starting to have their work increased which will continue on a steady upward curve. The clippers are now in full working order.
I've a lot to catch up with having been stood on the side of a hockey pitch all afternoon in Malvern.