

11th May 2016

11-May-2016 18:27
in General
by Admin


The weather gods didn’t answer my prayers, as a result we will be seriously monitoring the ground at Uttoxeter for Man O’ Words and Adeenne des Sevres. The non runners yesterday and today must be hitting record numbers. Windsor horse show was cancelled as a result of the show ground flooding!!!

The few horses we have left to run all had quiet canters this morning having worked yesterday. A trip to the Cotswolds late morning to collect a couple of babies for breaking broke up the routine. We started them tonight, both are raw but will be fine.

It is horrifying how quickly the sales season comes around and I can’t believe I need to be booking flights, hotels and car hire in Ireland again, it seems as if it were only a couple of months ago that we were there. A good reminder to occasionally look up in life……………