

11th January 2016

11-January-2016 17:33
in General
by Admin


BT and Vodafone have excelled.

We have an under ground fault on our phone line which requires a very special engineer. How we put up with BT as a nation is beyond my understanding. The Taliban seem to be able to communicate with the rest of the world from caves yet we struggle from our own homes. In order to overcome the BT’s uselessness I drove to Hereford yesterday to purchase a mobile dongle. The journey home was with some relief knowing I would have internet connection once home. Annoyingly, I was unable to connect to the internet and phoned Vodafone support. I was passed to 4 different people taht strugg;ed to understand me. Eventually it was discovered that the half wit in the Vodafone store sold me a sim card that was unable to carry data! At least he didn’t ask for government approved ID. Luckily, while on the phone to Vodafone I remembered I had an old SIM, they then tried to sell me data which I explained I had paid for in the store on a card that didn’t carry data! It is not easy to explain such things to men or women who do not speak English as their first language. I should speak Hindi given the number of staff I’ve employed previously from India but sadly do not. All of the aforementioned complimented by a new computer that I can’t find anything on has made for a very fragile mind. Luckily, I am known for my tolerance levels and all is now well.

Talking of new computers, if you could please email me I have lost your email addresses, owners and racing club members please make it a priority.

Back to normality this morning, all horses had typical Monday morning canters. They are in good shape as Chase End Charlie proved when winning at Doncaster on Friday. Legal Exit ran very well in the novice chase on Friday given he had been off the track for 12 months and has more problems than our phone line. He will be dropped back to 2 miles.

Tomorrow, All Star Vinnie will make his debut for the Tom Lacey Racing Club, he’s bursting for a run but the ground is against him. Adeene Des Sevres will also head to Ludlow and I hope we see a little more of what he shows us at home. We are still looking for members to join The Racing Club. More details can be found on the club page on my website. I can asure you both horses in the club will win their races and more horses will be purchased when the numbers of members increases. 

Name the owner playing The Pied Piper with choclate browine after shooting on Saturday. Answers on a postcard only!