A busy morning schooling all the 3 year olds over fences, Tommie, Sam and zac did the steering. George and Libby Snell was here to see The Flame who looks as if he will be one of the early ones and ready to run in January. They all jumped beautifully given how little they’ve done of late.
Loug Derg Leader didn’t disappoint us and won nicely at Bangor under Richie McLeron who gave him a lovely ride. His win, as is any other, a team effort and everyone in the yard has played their part in getting him there. It was also very satisfying to come home and put some colours in a washing up bowl to soak the dirt out. We must have had over 20 mm of rain last night, it seems to have made it way across the country and could play havoc with our plans at the weekend. Uttoxeter gets very deep and not one of our entries would want that. Another band of rain is forecast to fall on them. It seems ridiculous, that for months we’ve been held up by firm ground and now we are considering not declaring horses on ground that is likely to be too soft verging on heavy. Basically, in the space of 24 hours!