
6th January 2021

07-January-2021 17:33
in General
by Admin

Certainly a sharp frost this morning, it was too cold to work anything, not that we wanted to. The sand gallop was too firm given the wet weather we’ve had with such a hard frost. All horses cantered up the woodchip which I can’t remember ever been unusable in six or seven years of all sorts of weathers. 


Ffos Las made a total arse of themselves today, they clearly learnt nothing from Ayr calling racing off with minuets before the first race. All sorts of theories are flying around, the jockeys and trainers said it was safe to race, the BHA stewards said it wasn’t and some trainers were also reportedly seen leaving the course having stepped one foot on to the course before any announcement had been made. I happen to know the clerk from old and can safely say he isn’t a fool; I feel he must have been getting pressure from elsewhere to behave in such an irresponsible manner. Something has gone seriously wrong here and it simply isn’t acceptable. This is the type of thing that needs a transparent enquiry. The trainers will no doubt be looking after their owners given the expense incurred for those who travelled. Given the time of day they called it off only a few would have still been en route and able to turn back if any. In short, it is a total ball’s up and Ffos Las should be made to pay all owners £300 to cover some of their costs. I would have let rip at someone had we of had a runner and found ourselves in the predicament many others did. Racing has fallen under the elite sport throughout this global pandemic yet it is all too often run like a sketch from Dads Army. 


Glory and Honour heads to Lingfield tomorrow, to read my thoughts click here