

6th March 2018

06-March-2018 19:58
in General
by Admin

Alberto’s Dream seems fine after yesterdays win at Lingfield, he hasn’t left a nut all day and it looks as if he will go to Leicester on Friday.


The sand resembles a swamp since the thaw, we worked Kateson, Polydora, Sebastopol, Dorking Cock, Jester Jet, Zarocco, Vado Forte, Triopas, Coningsby, Dorking Boy,Enchancia, Equus Amadeus,

The Triple Pillar, King Roland, Isle of Ewe, Colt Lightning, Flashing Glance and He’s a Goer on the woodchip.

There is little to report from here, the water pump issue continues, thank goodness we had the foresight to lay pipes to the barn from the house as a back up supply when we were building everything. The thaw has done a fairly good job of destroying the tracks to the gallop and some repair work will need to be carried on on them. You only need to turn on the news to see what devastation weather can cause. On the whole, we have come off fairly lightly with nothing more than irritations.