

4th October 2019

04-October-2019 12:24
in General
by Admin

There is never a dull moment when Jerry Hinds is around, yesterday morning he paid us a visit with Ashley Head a few rough diamonds in behind. Amongst other amusing comments, when he was unable to identify a horse on the gallops he reminded his muckers, with a few expletives chucked in for good measure, that it ain’t all champagne and skittles and that he has a job to do too. The banter is hilarious and lovely to be around. I caught up with them at Warwick where we were spoilt by Simon Sweeting in the director’s box. I’m not too sure how much drink was left behind and did notice supplies being dragged in from out the back. All in all we had a fantastic day with many laughs.

9 AM


 5.30 PM


Tea Clipper got the day off to a super start winning like a good horse, the attitude he showed after the last was serious, let’s hope he can step forward again and go on to bigger and better things in time. He knows he wrapped the last hurdle this morning and has a few bumps and scrapes – nothing a quiet day or two won’t solve. 


Equus Amadeus will be visiting Ben Brain a week on Monday for further wind surgery, he deserves his chance and has been a real fun horse who owes us nothing. 


Thais Tior ran what I consider to be a very nice race. As much as one tries to convince oneself otherwise, he was always going to be found wanting for experience and I have no doubt in my mind the winners coming out of that race will be plentiful. Nico suggested going over hurdles and I see his point. However, I believe he is better than a handicapper and I’d rather give him time and think about jumping a hurdle in twelve months time. Good horses have to be made and not ruined by impatience. 

It never ceases to amaze me that punters feel the need to write to me to let me know how the horses ran. It is incredibly kind spirtited of them to do so as we don't watch them. 

Nothing too serious for any horses this morning, routine canters around the sand and up the hill. We need more rain, the ground yesterday was no better than good and Wincanton still has form in its going description. 

Luck of the Legion had a little blow on the hill and heads to Fontwell tomorrow, to read my thoughts click here