

1st November 2018

01-November-2018 17:26
in General
by Admin

Internet problems yesterday which is always testing. Looking at races and everything else one needs to do on the internet isn’t as easy on an iPhone. Writing a blog, most certainly isn’t going to happen. 


Yesterday we took 10 horses for an away day. When some folk were going to bed we were getting up. It makes for a busy day yet is always well worth the effort. The horses really pleased us and showed us that we certainly have a lot to look forward too. 


This morning we schooled nine 3 year olds over fences, the lions share jumped beautifully, as expected one or two will need more practice than others. 

Stowaway ex A Plus ma Puce



Black Sam Bellamy

Saddler Maker


He’s a Goer heads to Wetherby tomorrow, it is never easy to win a novice with a penalty but, as always with our horses, he will be putting his best foot forward. He will need to find a bit to beat the jolly.