

1st April 2020

01-April-2020 16:58
in General
by Admin

Having taken delivery of our starting stalls and having my flat license approved, I didn’t expect to receive five two years olds from Sheik Mohammed quite so quickly. They have settled in well and will be through the stalls before they know it. Just when everything seems to be so desperate a glimmer of hope appears and another chapter in my training career begins. 


The steam cleaner has started up a little sooner than normal, the bottom yard is currently undergoing a deep clean and will be absolutely spotless when Dan finishes.  

This morning Lossiemouth, Swift Wing and Christopher Robin went through the stalls, I don’t think it bought back nice memories for Christopher Robin, Swift Wing was Swift Wing and took it all in his stride, Lossiemouth was very good for a horse experiencing stalls for the first time. Obi 1 Knobi joined the party and Sholto got to experience starting stalls for the first time too. 

Sholto is celebrating his birthday today so I’m now off to bake him a cake.