

1st March 2016

01-March-2016 18:36
in General
by Admin


The rain is back and we spent most of the morning soaking wet again. The sand gallop is out of commission for a day or two as more drains are being put in place – when will we be able to stop haemorrhaging money? The gallops are everything and if they aren’t right we’ve no chance.

We worked Kimberlite Candy, Triopas, Boagrius, Russian Service, Cuirassier Dempire, Aspergillum, Chase End Charlie and Polydora on the woodchip. Cuirassier Dempire is another example of owners willing to persevere. I told them from very early on that he wasn’t a lot. He, along with Isle of Ewe is a massive improver with time. I certainly wouldn’t be encouraging the owners to find him another job yet. I think the plan is to have some fun with him starting in the Ledbury hunt race. I’d like to think he’s a summer horse and could give us all some fun on some decent ground.

The dentist was back again today to do some more babies that have been arriving thick and fast. He also removed a cap from Lamanver Alchemy that had half come free. I thought better of grabbing the pliers.

Office work this afternoon didn’t start due to a ridiculously slow internet connection, a re-boot didn’t help so I abandoned it. Geoff, I’m alive and your bills aren’t far away!